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Bonusy Premium

The following benefits are available to premium players:

Access to Premium Areas
As a premium player you can travel to new, exciting places you have never seen before. Visit the mysterious magical academy in Edron, explore the weather-beaten shores of Quirefang and wander through the not quite deserted streets of the fallen city of Yalahar! Brave the unforgiving cold on the Ice Islands or head south to the pirate-infested waters of the legendary Shattered Isles! Join the desperate fight against the forces that are corrupting the once-mighty lizard empire of Zao or unravel the secrets of the past in the sands of the Ankrahmun! There are whole new continents are out there waiting for you to explore them! Even Rookgaard boasts its own exclusive premium area! Visit new cities! Do new quests! Battle new monsters! You will find that, as a premium player, there is simply much more to see and more to do!

All premium player can use the Tibian transport system. There are ships and magic carpets available for a comfortable journey. For a small fee our captains will bring you to all cities and even to some remote islands. Premium time will surely save you some long and tiresome marches!

Premium players can not only show off with outfit addons which they can earn in the game by solving specific quests, they can also pose on one of numerous mounts that can be unlocked in the game by brave adventurers. Mounts are not only an eyecatcher, they also grant your character a useful speed boost!

Improved Login
Of course, when the rush is on premium players have an advantage when it comes to logging in. As a premium player you will be able to log in on all game worlds even if the regular player limit has already been reached. Play Tibia whenever you like!

Cool New Spells
The mighty wizards have developed new spells. Cast haste on your character and run away from your enemies! From useful everyday spells to powerful offensive magic, premium players simply have more spells to cast!

Renting Houses
Premium players are allowed to rent houses or flats in which your characters can recover from the hardships of an adventurer's life. Furnish your new home with all kinds of furniture and impress your fellow Tibians with your stately home! Invite your friends and have parties! You will find that having a home of your own is a rewarding experience you would not want to miss once you have had it!

Guild Leadership
As a premium player you can found a guild of your own. Choose your own cool name and recruit followers. As a premium player you will be able to build up the guild of your dreams. Make a name for yourself as the leader of a powerful guild!